Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Testimonials of Support for the Homeless Court Program
Michael Greco, Former ABA President
As President of the American Bar Association, I have opportunities to highlight many fine programs – the Homeless Court Program, supported by the ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, is one of the most timely and important projects of our association. I also want to thank all of the judges, lawyers, court employees, and advocates for the homeless who are working tirelessly to make the justice system more accessible for homeless people. In short, legal problems can prolong and exacerbate homelessness. The Commission is a leader in fostering replication of this innovative program that expands access to justice, reduces court costs, and helps homeless people move towards self-sufficiency.
Chief Justice of California Ronald George (Retired)
The San Diego Homeless Court Program Service Provider Toolkit compiles innovative approaches developed by judges, court staff, attorneys, and community and criminal justice partners to serve homeless men and women in the criminal justice system while addressing issues of public safety. It applies evidence-based practices tested during the development of San Diego’s model Homeless Court Program (HCP). The toolkit emphasizes common themes among homeless courts, including the importance of collaboration among courts, criminal justice partners, and homeless services providers in assisting clients as they prepare for court and for reentry into the community.
The San Diego Homeless Court Program Service Provider Toolkit is a valuable resource for our courts, for local bar associations, and for community and justice partners seeking to address problems in new ways in order to build a more inclusive criminal justice system and stronger, safer communities.
Chief Justice Of California, Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye
The courts have been called to the front lines of this economic crisis. Now more than ever the judicial branch serves as the safety net for democratic and civil society. Now more than ever we need problem solving and collaborative courts. And yet, we have fewer fiscal resources to us to support and expand these programs. There is even more distressing irony at work: the economic stress responsible for the budget cuts are also responsible for an increase in those populations most in need of the protection and services of the courts . . . .
What impact will budget cuts and realignment efforts and foreclosures will have on the number of homeless? What is the role of the courts in addressing homelessness and related public safety matters? How can courts and communities respond effectively to homelessness in an age of diminished resources? The critical timing of this summit and the work you will do today cannot be overstated. We are at a critical juncture not only for our courts, but for the future of our state.